It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Wait, Did 'Space Jam' Predict Coronavirus Hitting The NBA Now?

Next thing you know the Monstars are going to rock up.

Just when you think internet conspiracy theorists couldn’t stretch any further by linking The Simpsons to the coronavirus outbreak and Kobe Bryant’s death, people have managed to do it again by linking the disease to the cancellation of the 2019/2020 NBA season and how Space Jam predicted this way back in 1996.

Speaking of the coronavirus, the GOAT team talk about all the events that have been cancelled due to the disease on ‘It’s Been A Big Day For…’ below:

It all began when the World Health Organisation officially declared the coronavirus as a pandemic, which was then shortly followed by the NBA announcing that the 2019/2020 season will be suspended until further notice after a Utah Jazz player tested positive for coronavirus.

As for who it is, it’s not been confirmed but reports are stating that it is Rudy Gobert, which is pretty ironic given how he had previously joked about the coronavirus during an press conference before going around touching every reporter’s microphone.

Needless to say that those with an affinity with tin foil hats began trying to piece together the NBA cancellation and coronavirus stories and soon they landed on Space Jam as the common link. How on earth did they arrive at this bonkers conclusion you ask?

Well, Space Jam not only came out on home video on this very day 24 years ago, the film had a scene in which an NBA suit declares very loudly that “until we can guarantee the health and safety of our NBA players, there will be no more basketball this season”, which is pretty eerily similar to what’s happening with the coronavirus.

Granted that the NBA’s problem in Space Jam was alien-related rather than coronavirus, but that hasn’t stopped the internet from insisting that the film totally predicted the disease cancelling the 2019/2020 NBA season 24 years ahead of time. The Monstars was just symbolism for the coronavirus, y’all.

So did Space Jam predict all this NBA/coronavirus stuff? Look, the answer is almost certainly no and it’s all just a massive coincidence, not unlike that whole Simpsons/coronavirus/Kobe Bryant thing.

Apropos of nothing, I’m now going to rewatch Space Jam over and over again while digesting all knowledge of Space Jam 2 that’s out there just to see what other nuggets are hidden in those films.

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