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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Aston Kutcher And Mila Kunis Are Now Entangled In The Trump-Ukraine Scandal

This story just keeps getting weirder.

If you’ve been confused so far by the whole ongoing clusterhump that is US president [checks notes] Donald Trump’s apparent attempt to extort Ukraine into digging up dirt on his political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter, then here’s some news: two stars of That 70s Show – Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher – are now tangentially involved.

And if you’re a reasonable human being you’re thinking “sorry, what?”

Kutcher and Kunis met as co-stars and then later reconnected and ended up falling in lurve, getting married and making two fresh humans. That bit you most likely know.

Kunis was born in Ukraine but her family emigrated to the US when she was a child and Ukraine was still part of the USSR. Her family still pop back every so often in these less-repressive times.

The current president of Ukraine is Volodymyr Zelensky – the chap who Trump reportedly threatened to withhold aid from if he didn’t do some investigation of the Bidens.

And his elevation to power in May this year was a bit of a surprise since his previous political experience had literally been as a comic actor playing a man unexpectedly elected to president of Ukraine in the sitcom Servant Of The People. Which is on Netflix, incidentally.

So it’s not entirely shocking that famous comic actors Kutcher and Kunis would know famous comic actor Zelensky, even beyond the weird bro-hood of the super wealthy who play with mere mortals like us. But what’s weird is that supposedly Volods chatted with Ashton about Trump, at least according to a post on

“Mila and I met with President Zelenski [sic] and his wife a little over a week ago. My gut: He is committed to eliminating corruption in Ukraine. He’s also committed to ending the war and grateful for the US financial commitment because they needed it… If our president used that financial aid to leverage president Zelensky to investigate Biden he should be impeached. If our president did not use it as leverage and simply encouraged president Zelensky to investigate Biden without cause he should be impeached.”

What this adds to the discussion isn’t clear, but The Cut reached out to Kutcher and got a video of him eating hot wings meme in response, so make of that what you will.

Anyway, that’s where we are. Ashton and Mila are somehow caught up in Trump’s latest scandal, and also hot wings are spicy.

What Topher Grace and Laura Prepon think about all this could not be established at press time.