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Don't Panic, But Stranger Things' Joe Keery Has Cut His Luscious Hair

Let's take a moment of silence to remember those gravity-defying locks.

Netflix’s Stranger Things is a TV show that’s not for everyone and can be a bit of a hit and miss sometimes. But if there’s one aspect that we can all agree on, it’s Joe Keery’s great performance as Steve Harrington and his enviable long locks.

Well Stranger Things fans, I hate to tell you some awful news: Joe Keery has hacked off his luscious hair and is now sporting a bowl cut.


The internet unsurprisingly lost its collective mind over this horrendous act, which is somewhat understandable given how Joe/Steve’s hair has taken on a life of its own. Taking scissors to those locks is akin to drawing all over the Mona Lisa using a sharpie.

So please take a moment to mourn the loss of Steve Harrington’s gravity-defying hair before we continue. All good? Let’s keep going.

Look, it’s a drastic change from what we’re all used to and the bowl cut is going to take a little getting used to. It’s like a mix between Liam Gallagher, Jim Carrey’s Dumb and Dumber hair, and the look every Asian kid is forced to get by their parents.


To be honest, Joe’s new haircut doesn’t actually look that bad and it looks far more flattering when you see it from a number of different angles.

And having sported long hair for many years, it does get incredibly tiresome to keep it healthy and looking nice everyday so I understand why Joe would want to just hack it all short and not worry about the upkeep.

But hey, let’s look at this pragmatically: it’s just hair. It will all eventually grow back and we can all get back to fawning over how great Joe Keery’s stupendous locks are when Netflix throws season four of Stranger Things at us at some point in the future.