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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Sophie Turner Goes Full Karen From Mean Girls With Her Leg-Behind-Head Circus Trick Demonstration

Ladies and gentleman, Sophie Turner.

In case you missed it, we love Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner. Like, a lot.

We love it when she chugs wine on the stadium big screen, we love it when she shares the definitive reaction to Arya Stark moments, we love it when she wears fake bangs, we love it all.

She is a woman of many skills. But when asked about her special skills in a recent interview on The Graham Norton Show, she volunteered some unexpected demonstrations.

It was a moment only paralleled by Karen from Mean Girls, who can put her whole fist in her mouth – wanna see?

Turner first suggested her skill might be sleeping. According to Turner and her co-stars she has the ability to sleep anywhere, any time, and in any position. But Graham Norton provoked a very different answer by suggesting her sleep ability might be because she’s “very bendy”. That is apparently a fun fact about Sophie Turner that we totally missed.

But of course, being Sophie Turner, when she claimed she can still put her leg behind her head, she proved it.

Sophie Turner, Queen of the North, followed up with a cheeky comment that she immediately heard back as more dirty than intended and tried to take back. But “Imagine what I can do when I’m warmed up” is now immortalised on the Graham Norton Show.

This is by far one of the best Sophie Turner interview moments we’ve had to date.

What’s amazing about the whole situation is that putting her leg over her head successfully outshined her encounter with Taylor Swift, her husband Joe Jonas’ ex.

But let’s take a moment to appreciate these two mature young women (with boss blonde fringes) embracing each other and being adorable.

In conclusion, Sophie Turner, you keep doing you.