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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Russell Crowe Buying Random Stuff While Drunk Is The Hero We Want

Who hasn't bought something weird after having a few too many?

For all the fame, fortune, and oodles of adoration actors get for doing what they do, they’re all humans just like us at the end of the day.

Which brings us to the one and only Russell Crowe.

Yes he’s a famous Hollywood actor but he’s just a regular chap when he goes home at the end of each day, a fact that’s reinforced with this incredibly relatable story about getting drunk and buying random stuff.

During an appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Russell regaled everyone with a story of when he drunkenly bought a dinosaur skill from his Body of Lies co-star Leonardo DiCaprio, which is completely ridiculous and yet something that makes you go, “huh, I can sort of understand that”.

Okay, the getting drunk with Leo DiCaprio part and the buying a dinosaur skull for “30 or 35 grand” bit is definitely something we can’t exactly relate to, but the rest is something we’ve all done at some point.

I mean, who hasn’t had “a bunch of vodka” with friends and decided it was a good idea to hop on eBay for a spot of drunken shopping?

Cheers to the random crap we’ll soon buy for no reason!

As for where the dinosaur skull is now, well Russell has since sold it as part of his “The Art Of Divorce” auction. Ah well, I’m sure another dinosaur skull will come up for sale again soon for those wanting to drop a year’s salary on a vodka-fueled impulse spending spree.