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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

NYC's Government Has Released A Sex Guide With Approved Covid-19 Hook-Ups

"You are your safest sex partner"

In news that’s about as awkward as your eighth grade SexEd experience, but a hell of a lot more entertaining, New York City Health has officially released a guide to sexy times in the age of COVID-19.

While that might be surprising to hear at first, just consider for a moment that people needed to be taught how to wash their hands not so long ago… so, it’s probably not the worst idea.

New York state has been significantly impacted by the spread of Coronavirus, with 15,777 confirmed cases (at the time of writing). That is almost half of all the cases in the United States.

So, it makes sense that the New York City government would be attempting to use every avenue to squash this thing. Including tips on doing the nasty.

And while Australia isn’t at the same level of severity, it can’t hurt to practice safer sex right now. So, we went through and pulled out all the most essential points for ya.

In the update that was circulated over the weekend, NYC Health stressed that “all New Yorkers should stay home and minimize contact with others to reduce the spread of COVID-19″.

But that there are ways to get it on safely if you wish to.

In a nutshell, it stated that it is not yet known if Coronavirus can be transmitted sexually. For that reason, the NYC health department recommends that you get down and dirty with ~yourself~ for the moment being.

“You are your safest sex partner,” the guide reads.

“Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.”

Well, that’s way to pass the time while in isolation…

If you do want to have sex with other people, though, it’s recommended that you go with the people you live with.

An excuse to get to know your roommate better, perhaps?

“The next safest partner is someone you live with. Having close contact — including sex — with only a small circle of people helps prevent spreading COVID-19.”

The government stressed that hooking up with anyone outside of these groups is risky right now. So, it might be worth looking into digital options if your S.O (or whoever) isn’t in the same house as you right now.

It might not be ideal, but neither is getting a virus or passing it on to someone else.

In the name of safety, the department drilled down further. They specified that it’s extra important that folks wash before and after ‘special time’, and pointed out that practising safe sex – with condoms and dental dams – is a good way to avoid contact with bodily fluids. (COVID-19 has been found in saliva and faeces).

And in case people weren’t yet aware, they stressed that folks should not be having sex if they feel unwell.

Naturally, the Internet is having a great time with this official update.

In a nutshell: you can hook up with people you live with but avoid doing so if anyone is at risk health-wise. Try not to exchange bodily fluids. And make sure you’re super clean. …Or just have sex with yourself.

Have fun, friends!

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