It's been a big day for... Listening to...

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It's been a big day for... Listening to...

Never Mind Valentine's Day, Go Celebrate Galentine's Day Instead

"Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses."

It’s February 14 and you know what that means, folks? That’s right, it’s time to celebrate one of the best days of the year. No, not Valentine’s Day. I’m talking about the one and only Galentine’s Day.

2020 marks the 10th anniversary of when Parks And Recreation gave us Galentine’s Day, a waffle-filled 24 hours in which all thoughts about dudes go out the window in favour of treating yo’ self and your gal pals.

As a testament to the longevity of this special celebration, the women of Parks And Recreation get together on Valentine’s Day every year to celebrate Galentine’s Day even though the show has been done and dusted for years.

This year is no exception as Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Rashida Jones and Kathryn Hahn all got together once again to celebrate the big day, though sadly Retta couldn’t be there.

Now it may seem a little weird that a dude such as myself is going around plugging Galentine’s Day since it’s celebration of women without the presence of testosterone, which is fair enough. However, I think that the princple of Galentine’s Day is pretty universal and isn’t limited to gender.

Not everyone has that special someone to spend Valentine’s Day with and it can get lonely for all the single folk. Galentine’s Day is a nice little way to sidestep around all the questions about your love life by spending some quality time with your best mates.

That being said, we’re going to have to think of a new Galentine’s Day equivalent term for single dudes hanging out. I propose “Podcast Day” since that’s usually what you get when you put a bunch of men in a room together.

Happy Valentine’s Day/Galentine’s Day/Podcast Day everyone and remember to treat yo’ self!