It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

BTS Fans Have No Idea Who Tina Fey Is Because She's Not In BTS


The internet is having a field day with the latest episode of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. BTS joined Fallon on a train to chat about everything from John Cena (turns out BTS loves John Cena as much as he loves them) to “the black bean noodle incident.”

As with anything BTS touches, people from all over the globe got involved. One of the things we learned through Fallon’s show getting a bigger international audience than usual is that a whole heap of people have never heard of Tina Fey.

In a beautiful irony, the reason we found out about the BTS fans is because Tina Fey was the guest star for a different segment on the show called Subway Stories. In the segment, she walks around the New York subways openly talking about how nobody in NYC gives a single damn about her or anybody else famous. The classic New York stereotype stands up, really.

In case anybody had forgotten exactly what a badass Tina Fey is (or is here because they’re trying to work out who Tina Fey is in the first place), here’s a rundown of why she’s amazing.

She was the first female head writer on SNL, created 30 Rock and The Unbreakable Kimmy Scmidt, and wrote the screenplay for Mean Girls. Basically she’s created a massive chunk of pop culture references that have stood the test of time. Wearing pink on Wednesdays, anyone?

The reactions to the discovery have been overall wholesome, though. A lot of people don’t know about Tina Fey? Time to make a Tina Fey Appreciation Day so that everyone who’s just learning about her existence can get on board. Honestly, imagine the joy of getting to watch Mean Girls for the first time today.

So happy Tina Fey Appreciation Day to all the BTS fans who didn’t know who she was before today. And welcome, everyone who didn’t know her, to a whole new world of comedy.

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