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Marvel's New Spider-Man: Far From Home Poster Is Bad But The Fan-Made Ones Are Hilarious

The person in charge of the posters really doesn't give a crap.

Excitement is rapidly building for Spider-Man: Far From Home as it’ll be the first post Avengers: Endgame Marvel film and the prospect of more Tom Holland shenanigans is never a not a good thing.

But despite all the exciting stuff in store for Spidey’s next cinematic adventure – it’s set in Europe and it’s got Jake Gyllenhaal! – there’s one thing about the film that’s getting me down at the moment: the horrific posters.

Homecoming had its share of terrible promo posters but they’ve somehow one-upped (one-downed?) themselves this time because here’s the latest to come out from Marvel’s marketing department and the person working on Far From Home clearly doesn’t give a crap:

I’m far from the only one who thinks Marvel skimped out on the poster budget for Far From Home as the internet wasn’t too pleased either. But rather than whinge (which people did, mind you), some folks decided to make some joke Spidey posters for the fun of it.

And boy did we get some hilarious gems that rank high on the “so bad it’s good” scale. You could probably swap out the official poster for a fan-made mock and no one would be the wiser.

Some creative fans decided to go in the other direction and make some seriously impressive unofficial posters, so much so that Marvel should seriously consider using them as official merch or something.

Credit to all those creative fans who turned something underwhelming into a big joke that not only made everyone laugh but also ironically gave Far From Home a good amount of marketing exposure before the film comes out on July 2.

Having said all that though, perhaps this whole “bad posters” schtick is just part of the comic book movie behemoth’s plan to generate buzz.

Damn. Well played, Marvel, well played.