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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Here's Why You Keep On Watching The Eternal Dumpster Fire That Is Married At First Sight

We didn't start the fire.

Married at First Sight sucks.

It honestly does, I hate it, it’s ruining my life, my friendships and yet I can’t quit it. It has a power over me unlike anything else. My eyes light up when somebody mentions it but I feel disgusted in myself after watching it, usually surrounded by empty pizza boxes and self-loathing.

So why do we keep on watching it?

‘Tis a dilemma.

Well there are 3 categories that MAFS viewers fit in:

The Cynic: Is it that we’re jaded about love and romance and seeing it not workout is validating? Like god forbid you open yourself up and on the other end is someone like Ines or Susie? No thanks, I’ll take this show as a cautionary tale and enjoy watching people get their heart broken knowing that it’s not happening to me.

Like a hoover.

The Lover: Whether it be on the show, outside of the show or even swapping partners at the dinner party, you’re happy that people are pursuing love. Knowing that although some of the couples might not work out, they’ll have a chance somewhere else… Except Ines, she’s horrid.

Yeah that’s right.

The Commentator: Even though sporting seasons are yet to start, why can’t the yelling? Sometimes (most of the time) the experts mess up and you’re there to let them know what they did wrong… even though it’s a TV and they can’t hear you.

It’s edge of your seat stuff.

But there’s something magical about a show that brings so many people together in the pursuit of love because frankly, it’s nowhere to be seen on screen… except Cam and Jules, they’re a goddamn delight but everyone else sucks and I’ll be tuning in for eternity.