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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

This Is How To Exact Perfect Revenge On Your Lazy, Lazy Dude

This is how to address the lackadaisical attitudes to household chores, right here.

And a mummy blogger who’d had enough of her husband getting some couch time while she did chores decided this was the moment to exact perfect revenge on her lazy dude and his lackadaisical ass.

Karen Alpert, of the brilliantly named blog Baby Sideburns, gave her recalcitrant husband a list of groceries and sent him out to do fetch them.

And he failed, because none of the things exist.


3 per cent milk, seedless strawberries, fat-free hummus, wheat thins (the ones in the blue box), unsour cream, diet diet coke (you might ask because it’s new), mellow cheese, organic Pop Tarts.

Petty? Oh god yes. Hilarious? Very. A sad indictment on a dude who didn’t ask questions on super-fake looking groceries? Ja.

And the detail about putting her phone on silent before he started calling to ask for help?

And this might seem like a small issue, but the fact is that women are still disproportionately doing the grunt work in modern households, despite often also working full time.

A recent study found that one in four Australian men do exactly zero housework and that the rest of us aren’t exactly stepping up especially well either. Frankly, it’s a wonder that women put up with us at all.

So anyway, if you’re finding yourself the key chorseperson and are looking for tips on how to exact perfect revenge on anyone not pulling their weight in your household, then you have a new patron saint of utterly petty vengeance.

And look, dudes: housework is goddamn work. Do better.