It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Why 2020 Should Be The Year You Finally Sell And Recycle Your Clothes

Could you be selling any more clothes?

It’s about that time that you sell all the clothes in that vacuum-sealed bag under your bed, just saying.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have engaged in working-from-home routines or more broadly, social-distancing rules. In this time, we’re socialising less and we’re wearing our most comfortable clothes more, going on Zoom meetings in sweatpants (if any pants at all). And while lockdown laws are slowly starting to lift, we’re noticing that a lot of our old “favourite” clothes have been collecting dust for the past few months, and so it’s probably time to sell them. 

Speaking of the pandemic indoors, we talked about how to stay creative on this episode of It’s Been A Big Day For…

This pandemic has exposed our relationship to clothes. It’s the 80/20 rule. 20% of your clothes, you wear 80% of the time. Although, with this pandemic, it’s more like 3% of our clothes, 100% of the time. As we stare into our complete full wardrobes and reflect on the same five tracksuits we’ve been wearing for the past few months, we’re forced to think about a potential change in our clothing habits. 

This is not to say you should sell or recycle all your clothes, but we should start to think about a Marie Kondo-esque type of cleanout. Marie Kondo has her own cleanup method which is a 6-step process. According to Kondo, you should commit yourself to tidying-up, imagine your ideal lifestyle, finish discarding first, tidy-up by category and not by location, follow the right order and ask yourself if it “sparks joy”.

Now, this does seem like a commitment, and we’re not saying that you have to follow all these rules to clean out your wardrobe, but we do suggest you take that last point into consideration. If you feel like your wardrobe needs a bit of a clean, then definitely ask yourself if your clothes “spark joy” because if it doesn’t, then a) you won’t ever wear it, and b) it will definitely spark joy for somebody else. 

During this pandemic, we’re spending a lot of time at home. Without the commute to and from work, we’ve got a bit of extra time on our hands. Why not take that spare hour or two and go through your wardrobe, picking out stuff that you never use then take to eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree or Depop. And, if that doesn’t work out, donate them all to a charity. In the words of the brilliant rap-force, Macklemore, “one man’s trash is another man’s come-up.”

So what are you waiting for? Get cleaning and get selling so you can get buying again.

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