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The Very Worst Hangover Cures For When You Overdo It At Christmas Drinks

Don't say we didn't warn you.

We’re all limping along just trying to make it to the Christmas holidays at this point, but one major December-related perk is the work Christmas party. If you accidentally go way too hard, have a one way DnM with your boss, and wake up with a killer hangover then I’m here to help… kind of.

Without further ado, the worst hangover cures on planet Earth:

Pickle Juice
The thought of downing a bunch of pickle juice on an empty, hungover stomach makes me want to hurl, but apparently there is actually logic in this. Because there’s a hell of a lot of salt in the pickle juice, there’s also a ton of electrolytes. Sports drinks, eat your heart out.

Lemon In Your Armpit
There’s no science behind this one. Rub a lemon slice into the armpit of your drinking arm and theoretically you won’t get a hangover. It’s not going to work, but at least you’ll be a delightful smelling drunk.

Prairie Oyster
I don’t think these are as common as they once were, but maybe I’m just hopeful. Chuck a raw egg, some hot sauce, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper in a cup, swish it around a bit and that’s it. Foul. 

This is a German specialty that I’m positive would be far more appetising when you’re sober. It’s made of three ingredients: pickled gherkin, raw onion, and herring fillet. Imagine waking up after a rager with gherkins, onion, and fish waiting for you. No thanks.

Pellet Tea
This particular delight comes from the cowboys of the wild west. The ‘pellets’ in pellet tea are rabbit poop. Scoop some up, boil it, and drink up. There’s a reason that cowboys didn’t live very long.

Deep Fried Canary
You can thank the ancient Romans for this one. These days PETA would come after you quicker than you could blink, but back then decapitated canaries fried whole with the skin was a legitimate hangover cure. 

Keep Drinking
This is absolutely never going to do good things. Sure, it works once you get over the fact that the smell of booze makes you want to vomit, but that’s short term. You’re just making the next days hangover even worse. In fairness though, we all know that and we’re all going to keep doing it anyway.

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