It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

This Instagram Influencer's Pitch Begging For Sponsors Will Make Your Resume Look Slick

The amount of desperate energy on show here is actually pretty impressive.

It must be quite the life to be an Instagraminfluencer“. You essentially get paid to document every waking second of your meticulously handcrafted life to your followers while throwing in the occasional shout out to your sponsors.

Who am I to judge what people do to make a living though? All I do is put words into semi-coherent sentences.

But it seems that one influencer may have pushed this a smidge too far when her “surprise” engagement turned out to be nothing more than a carefully planned thing the whole time.

An Instagrammer’s “surprise” engagement not turning out to be legit?

I’m shocked, I say. Shocked.

This influencer in question is “well-placed fashion blogger” and Goop employee, Marissa Casey Fuchs, and the backstory is that she got engaged on around June 18 via a ridiculous 48-hour scavenger hunt from New York City to Paris, nearly every second of which was documented on her Instagram. This whole schtick went viral and Fuchs quickly amassed thousands upon thousands of new followers.

While fans were gripped by this whole engagement whirlwind, The Atlantic reported that this was nothing but an elaborate ruse planned well beforehand by Fuchs and her sponsors.

Before this “engagement” kicked off, potential brands and agencies received a PDF pitch document outlining the entire proposal adventure as a kind of possible sponsorship agreement.

And boy was the document an exercise in desperate cringe.

The pitch contained a detailed itinerary for all the “spontaneous” things Fuchs’ would-be fiancé would do to “surprise” her, as well as a one-slide summary of her relationship, which sounds been quite nice if the whole thing was, you know, sincere.

But the pitch’s pièce de résistance are all the facepalm-worthy phrases, such as:

  • “A one-of-a-kind proposal experience for a one-of-a-kind female ambitionist.”
  • “We’re pleased to offer your brand the opportunity to align with this momentous occasion and the beautiful cities she will be visiting along the way.”

I’m willing to bet that even the worst draft of your resume doesn’t reek this much of desperate energy.

Check out the ridiculously hilarious pitch document right here and try not to strain yourself from all the cringing you will do.

Now this is far from the first time that an influencer has aligned themselves with brands in order to pull of “spontaneous” events, and Fuches certainly won’t be the last. But this is perhaps the funniest behind-the-scenes deep dive into one since we got a bunch of receipts detailing what went down.

To Fuches credit, she is maintaining the facade and shaking off the growing wave of criticism directed at her for this whole charade. But hey, that’s the Instagram influencer life right there.