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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

If Your Gender Reveal Causes A Plane Crash, Should You Really Be A Parent?

It's not a good sign.

Gender reveal parties. Love them or hate them, they’re everywhere at the moment and seem to be here to stay. They don’t sound like something that needs to come with a hazard warning, but because people will find a way to ruin everything good in the world, that’s exactly what they need.

This is the best case scenario, honestly

In the latest monumental stuff up, it seems like someone has managed to crash an entire plane whilst telling the world about their unborn kiddo’s genitals.

The official report documents a plane that dumped a bunch of pink water water over a field as part of a gender reveal (woo, unborn kiddo has a vagina!), stalled and then, and I quote, “impacted terrain, and came to rest inverted”.

What this means in regular person speak is that the plane ate some serious dirt and wound up on its roof. Two people were on board (the plane only had one seat in it, was one sitting on the other’s lap?), but they were fine. 

There are almost as many videos online of gender reveal fails as there are of cats at this point, and the internet loves cats. Most of them are fairly harmless videos like one of a dude getting an air cannon to the nuts, or of the balloon with the coloured confetti in it floating away. Tragic really, now they’ll never know what sex their kid is.

Just assume something like this will happen

Then there are the serious accidents. I’m talking plane crashes like this one, massive bushfires causing $8 million worth of damage, and a couple of weeks ago a woman was even killed when she stood too close to an explosion meant to release coloured smoke. 

Even the woman who first pioneered gender reveal parties is sick of them. Between putting more focus on an unborn kid’s genitals than should ever be necessary, and people proving that we will never stop until we reach peak stupidity, it’s probably time to give them a rest. 

And for the love of God, if you’ve crashed a plane revealing you kids gender, remember to be gentle with them once they’re born.