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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Game Of Thrones' Reason For Why Jon Snow Didn't Farewell Ghost Is Weak

Not good enough.

Game of Thrones Season 8 has been a wild ride, and I don’t say that positively.

The first four episodes have been a mix of pure love, shock and hatred directed at HBO.

But the biggest shock of them all nay, the biggest let down in the history of Game of Thrones came this week when Jon Snow left Ghost behind without so much as a goodbye.

Ghost has been around for about half of Jon’s life but apparently loyalty means nothing to the ‘honourable’ Jon Snow.

Long story short: Ghost deserved better.

Posted by Game Of Memes on Monday, 6 May 2019

The director of the episode, David Nutter, has attempted to explain why Jon didn’t have any interaction with Ghost in this scene.

I say attempted because, frankly, it’s not good enough.

“Well the good thing was [Ghost] wasn’t right next to the actors and so forth, so there wasn’t any issues with green screen or situations where we’re dealing with any kind of rotoscoping,” he told INSIDER.

Simply put, Ghost and Jon were kept seperate to simplify the filming process and streamline editing in post-production.

Jon has been shown patting Ghost in past seasons so I call B.S. on this ‘reason’. It feels like more of an excuse to me.


The whole thing felt like HBO saying “we’ve run out of money for CGI direwolves, sorry guys” which just makes me mad. Fair enough if you don’t have money guys (I get that, I really do) but you could have at least made the scene more impactful.

I don’t know, maybe show Ghost running after Jon or something. I wanted to feel things. I wanted to CRY. Instead I just wanted to punch Jon in his constipated face for being a heartless idiot.

Ghost. Deserved. Better.

*louder for the people in the back*