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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Women Educating Men About Harassment Is The Internet Thread We Need

Read and learn something.

Women’s safety and harassment are two issues that demand our attention, particularly over the last few years. But despite the seriousness of these topics, men still don’t quite “get” it.

So to educate everyone on just why women’s safety and harassment is such a big deal and why men need to pay more attention, an internet thread on the AskWomen subreddit was started to educate them on the topic.

Titled “Whilst social awareness of sexual harassment towards women seems to be on the rise, what are some areas within this issue you wish men paid more attention to that they still seem oblivious to or outright neglect?” the thread quickly picked up a heap of steam as many women shared story after story.

The whole thread is full of eye-opening insights and harrowing anecdotes about the many ways men act inappropriately and things they need to pay attention to.

Here are just some of the important highlights:

“Regarding physical contact: if you wouldn’t touch a male coworker/friend/boss in that fashion, don’t do it to your female coworkers/friends/bosses. I’m looking at you, hugs-in-the-workplace-guy and rubbing-shoulders-in-the-gym-guy.”


“I had a male friend get very upset that I wouldn’t take the light rail downtown by myself at night. I’ve had too many things happen to me to feel comfortable doing so.

His response was “Well I take it all the time and I’m fine.” That’s great! You’re also over 6’ and power lift. He just couldn’t wrap his mind around me not feeling safe.”

“Just because I’m at a concert without a man doesn’t mean that I want my ass grabbed by random strangers. Don’t dance up on me. Don’t touch me.”

“Don’t take it personal when a girl is weary of you at first. I’ve seen way too many dudes take it super personal and blow up if a girl turns down a drink from them that she didn’t see get made, or if she takes any sort of extra precautions. They don’t realize that women don’t know who the good and bad ones are.”

“Asking personal questions and pressing or telling you to “relax/calm down/etc” when you say you’re not totally comfortable providing that info yet.”

“We KNOW that is is “not all men.” The issue is that it only takes one man to ruin or end my life, and I have no way of knowing which stranger that could be.”

“I don’t care how well you know him and how good of a guy you think he is, I am allowed to not be attracted to him and you shouldn’t pressure me to just “give him a chance.”

Men should definitely read up on the thread here in order to not only understand just how big of an issue women’s safety is, but also to open their eyes on seemingly innocent gestures they do to women but are in actuality quite problematic.

And if you’re a guy who immediately responds to any of these comments with “NOT ALL MEN”, then you’re definitely one of those men and you need to get learning, my dude.