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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

These Creepy Original Shrek Designs Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Not everybody likes onions

Sweet Shrek – homeowner, hero, father – has captured the hearts of many since his debut in 2001, however his origins aren’t so wholesome. If you’ve not ventured into the depths of the Swamp of Original Designs, pull up your wellies and tuck in the cuffs of your pants because we’re about to go wading.

The original design for the Voldemort/ Professor Quirrell double-head situation was revealed not too long ago and it’s absolutely terrifying. I see He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and raise you He-Who-Should’ve-Never-Graced-The-Internet:

that poor Donkey.

Back in my birth year of 1997, Shrek looked very different. There’s a rumour going around that the mannerisms for the character of Shrek are based on a French wrestler, from the 1940s – Maurice Tillet – better known as The French Angel.

The role wasn’t Mike Meyers’ yet, and the character was being made with Chris Farley in mind – best known for being the bus driver in Billy Madison. The Chris Farley Shrek was a little less agitated and more aloof but the biggest difference, and what makes it so odd, is that Shrek is American.

The concept designs for Chris Farley’s Shrek were more Goblin-like and pimply than the smooth-skinned, round-faced, loveable ogre that we know and love.

who’s this, sis?

Early Shrek also had a bit of a ‘goofy’ look, which I don’t love.

thanks but no thanks, Mike Ploog.

Sorry, Mike Ploog – your work on Marvel Comics is amazing though, sweetie! Love to you!

There was also a time where Shrek had… hair…

shave it! immediately!

If the above wasn’t frightful enough, how about Donkey with hair?


And just for a little bonus, if your skin hasn’t crawled clean off your body and boarded the next flight out of here, Rumplestiltskin with a TAIL. A TAIL!

I am having trouble finding my will to live, have you seen it?

As much as we should respect each others art and visions, I honestly have not slept since seeing what could’ve been for the Shrek franchise. I would very much like to put all of this to rest, but not without sharing it with my new friends – you’re welcome.

Before you go, have a little look at the ‘Technical Goofs’ from the DVD menu of the original Shrek film. It’s a bunch of times that the animators either effed up, or did it for the Vine – either way, iconic.