It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Sorry Baby Yoda, You've Been Replaced By Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker's Best New Character

No hard feelings, little guy.

The entire world has been obsessed with Baby Yoda ever since the green little… whatever he is was introduced in The Mandalorian. But it appears the 50-year-old child (they age differently to us) who likes bone soup has finally met his match in Babu Frik, the newest and best character in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

No hard feelings, kiddo, you’re still cute.

First glimpsed in the trailers for Rise of Skywalker, Babu Frik was a sort of blink-and-you’ll-miss character. In the final film, he’s… still not in it very much but boy does he make quite the impression with what little time he has.

We don’t know much about Babu Frik other than he’s definitely not a baby, he’s not whatever Yoda is, he’s great with droids, he kind of resembles a pug, and he speaks in his native Anzellan language. But his enthusiasm and energetic expressions, especially when he’s rummaging around in C3PO’s head, more than make up for what we don’t know about him.

Unsurprisingly, the internet has now shifted alliances from Baby Yoda to Babu Frik. Who would’ve thought Star Wars would be the centre of an all-out cuteness war?

Now than I’ve thought about it some more, perhaps I’ve been a bit too hasty in deeming Babu Frik as the replacement to Baby Yoda. Both are small and have that “so ugly it’s cute” factor going for them. At a time when we need all the good things we can get so why not have both as our favourite Star Wars chararcters?

Hell, I would definitely sign up for a Disney+ Star Wars series where it’s nothing but Babu Frik and Baby Yoda shenanigans week in, week out.

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