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Gen Z Are Dragging Millennials On TikTok With Hilariously Accurate Insults

Too much wine, doggos and 'adulting'.

If you’re over the age of 23 and have spent any more than five minutes on TikTok, you’d be well aware of the growing gap between Millennials and Generation Z. If you aren’t across the phenomenon, just take a look at these incredibly hilarious (and accurate) insults Gen Z TikTok users have for millennials.

Over the weekend, Twitter user @local__celeb posted, “I’m awake at 3am and I just want everyone to know what Gen Z says about millennials on TikTok…” with a screenshot of comments. 

The insults range from millennials saying “doggo” and “adulting” to using Buzzfeed quizzes to find out their favourite wine. One user wrote, “millennials will attack you if you disrespect their Harry Potter house,” while another mocked millennials for saying “give me a slice of pizza and wine.” 

“Sis Rebecca, you are 32 and an alcoholic please sit down,” they added.

Speaking of millennial behaviour, hear about basic baby names below:

The insults are straight-up savage but hilariously accurate. Born between 1980 and 1994, there’s no doubt that Harry Potter, Buzzfeed quizzes and a slightly unhealthy obsession with pizza and wine are defining factors of millennials – but we’re not all the same.

Surely, there are millennials out there who aren’t guilty of overusing the words “doggo” and “adulting”? Someone? Anyone?

The insults start to get real personal towards the end of the thread. One says, “millennials be like: yikes, I’m adulting right now ugh I need to go get an avocado toast!” and another reads, “All they do is drink wine, post cringe ‘90s kid’ memes, talk about tech start-ups and lie.”

Ouch. Having been shamed for our avocado-eating and memes since the dawn of time, these ones really hit where it hurts. But, you’ve got to give it to Gen Z TikTok users – they’ve got a point.

I don’t know whether it’s devastating or impressive that an entire generation can be summed up in just a few spicy comments.

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