It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Loneliest Frog In The World Found A Mate After Being Alone For Ten Years, So There’s Still Hope For You Too

Look at his little face!

Like light breaking softly from yonder window, let this little bit of hopeful news make your day a bit brighter.

Romeo was long thought to be quite possibly the last Sehuencas water frog in existence, living alone in a tank in a Bolivian natural history institute. No wild frogs had been found since 2008, and discovering some wild individuals to breed in captivity was the species’ last hope.

The scientists in charge of Romeo built a campaign to help find some other frogs, even making him a Twitter account and a profile page.

Here’s an excerpt for you to steal for your Tinder bio:

“I’m a pretty simple guy. I tend to keep to myself and have the best nights just chilling at home, maybe binge-watching the waters around me. I do love food, though, and will throw a pair of pants on and get out of the house if there’s a worm or snail to be eaten!”

Look at his face! Look how hopeful and happy he is!

He’s spent a solid decade working on himself, learning to be comfortable in his own slimy skin, and now he’s ready to make a commitment.

In fact, he’s even ready for kids.

Now a small population of frogs has been discovered in a Bolivian cloud forest, and a group has been retrieved for the captive breeding program: five in all, including a Juliet for our Romeo.

And mate, you’re in luck, because she is a BABE. As frogs go. I think.

So if you’re feeling a bit personally attacked by the Valentine’s Day gear starting to pop up in supermarkets when you’re just trying to buy your ready meals for one, fear not. If the world’s loneliest frog can find someone, there’s hope for you – because you, too, are one of a kind. 

Just head down to your local cloud forest, and keep an open mind.