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Mark Ruffalo's Clapback On Ellen DeGeneres' Friendship With Dubya Is Spot On

He's angry and you'll like it.

After photos of Ellen DeGeneres rubbing shoulders with former US president George W Bush surfaced, people weren’t quite sure how to react to one of Hollywood‘s most likable celebs being mates with one of the most controversial US presidents in recent memory.

Ellen has since responded to critics by saying yes she and George W Bush are mates but it is possible for people with opposing views to be friends so let’s all just drop the hate and embrace some good ol’ fashioned kindness.

It’s a pretty standard Ellen DeGeneres response for a touchy subject that got some positive responses, particularly from her celebrity mates. But some folks are calling on her BS and one person who’s having none of it is none other than Mark Ruffalo.

The star took to Twitter and went to town on Ellen for her kindness stance by reminding everyone all the atrocities that occurred when George W Bush was US president.

Say what you will about Ellen and Dubya’s friendship but Mark’s tweet highlights a very good point about this whole saga.

Spreading kindness is one thing but painting George W Bush as a goofy granddad is dangerous as it not only normalises him but it brushes all the horrible stuff he’s done when he was in office – which Mark Ruffalo has summed up in one tweet far better than I could in an entire article – under the rug and reducing it to nothing more than a difference in opinion.

Yes it is possible for people to change for the better and it’s a good thing to be mates with others who have different views, but when the person in question hasn’t apologised or even acknowledged all the atrocities he’s had a hand in, it’s tough to buy into Ellen’s kindness schtick.

So hats off to Mark Ruffalo for calling this whole Ellen DeGeneres/George W Bush thing out as the debacle as it is. If it means he won’t be appearing on Ellen any more, well it’s a small price to pay.