It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Cardi B Asked The Internet What Pee Tastes Like And We Bet You're Now Wondering As Well

Just Cardi B thoughts.

Maybe her baby kept her up late or maybe she meant to use Google instead of Twitter. Whatever the reason, something got Cardi B curious about bodily fluids because she tweeted out one of life’s biggest – and grossest – curiosities: What does pee taste like?

People thought she might’ve been hacked or something but nope, it was genuine because she then tweeted an important follow up question: Is piss bland or salty?

Just Cardi B thoughts I suppose.

Now we may mock Cardi for tweeting out such a bizarre question but let’s be brutally honest here and admit that we’ve all had the exact same thought at some point in our lives. Hell, you probably had that thought when you were going to the toilet this morning.

Unsurprisingly, she isn’t alone with this “what does piss taste like” thing as a quick Google search will bring up pages and pages of people asking – and answering – that exact same question.

Now I’ve done some crazy stuff in my life but I refuse to consume my own bodily fluids in the name of “journalism” just to answer Cardi B’s question. Instead I’ll let other folks who have sipped on their own pee do that.

According to Bear Grylls, it tastes “terrible,” “warm,” and “salty”.

A bit short on the salty with this batch.

One person said that urine will “taste like ass” if you “eat beef and fries” while several curious souls on Reddit confirmed it was all kinds of bitter and salty depending on your diet. Having said that, the folks back in the 17th and 18th century said piss tasted sweet if you have diabetes. That’s a weird silver lining to having diabetes I suppose.

The general consensus is that piss will taste slightly differently depending on your diet and health but almost everyone is in agreement on one thing: it’s foul. So there you go Cardi B, hopefully that answers your question.

If you still insist on putting your pee in your mouth, do what the ancient Romans did and use it as mouthwash. Your breath may stink but at least your teeth will be whiter.