It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Today I Learned About Revenge Body And I'm Going To Enjoy My Flabby Bod, Thank You Very Much

Definitely not worth the effort or level of spite involved.

The main reason I started GOAT’s “Today I Learned” series is so I can proactively learn about things that I otherwise wouldn’t have known about.

It’s been quite the interesting ride so far but my latest learning has been the most polarising one yet.

Today I learned all about what a “revenge body” is.

Turns out it’s not getting shredded as revenge on your flabby body.

When I first heard the term “revenge body”, I was initially assumed it is something about getting into shape after a break up or something in sort of self improving, “take revenge on the negative cycle that my life has spiraled into” kind of way.

Boy was I surprised to find out what a revenge body actually is.

For those who are unaware, a “revenge body” is getting an improved physique so that you’re closer to Western beauty ideals as a mythical way to feel better about a break up and to show an ex how much better you’re doing without them.

A typical scenario revolves around one person getting super shredded in order to make an ex-lover (who ended the relationship) want them back. But when the ex comes crawling back, the newly-yoked person rejects them using their ripped bod as a weapon of revenge.

The whole idea of “revenge body” is purely about taking control of one’s body, gaining power from it and using it to hurt people. It’s seriously f**ked up.

Break ups are always tough and there’s something to be said for a bit of self reflection after it happens.

But there’s a huge difference between getting fit as a way of making yourself happier and better, and using the toxic motivation of “YOU COULD BE HAVING SEX WITH THESE ABS, EMMA, HOPE YOU’RE SATISFIED!” to get shredded.

The worst part about a “revenge body” is that it does the opposite of providing the help and self-improvement someone might need after a break up. There’s nothing healthy about changing your lifestyle completely just so you can spite someone who has made it clear that the relationship is over.

Revenge body in a nutshell.

So screw this “revenge body” nonsense, I’m perfectly happy with my slightly flabby body. It’s a terrible concept that adds more fuel to the problematic body shaming fire that continues to run rampant in society. If there’s any revenging to be done, it’s on the whole culture itself.