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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Dear People Who Said They’d Go And See A Back To The Future Reboot: Who Hurt You?

In what timeline is this a good idea?

Looking at the average comment section you’d think audiences are pretty damn sick of reboots, remakes, sneaky sequels and prequels – but according to a new survey commissioned by The Hollywood Reporter, an awful lot of people would go and see a new Back To The Future movie.

They surveyed 2201 grown-ass American adults and 71% of these discerning cinemagoers said they’d be likely to see another installment in one of the most unf**kwithable trilogies in Hollywood history.

That’s with no details about who might be in it, who might write or direct it, where it would fit in the existing timeline. Just “sure, why not?” as if it weren’t perfectly wrapped up at the end of Part III.

What would they do? The secret adventures of Elisabeth Shue hanging out on the McFly family’s porch swing the entire time?

In comparison, 69% said they’d go and see another Toy Story (which is handy considering there’s one coming); 68% said they’d see another Indiana Jones (because Crystal Skull was such a raging success); and 63% said they’d go and see another Star Wars.

Overall, half of respondents said they’d be more likely to head to throwbacks and revivals than, you know, not that.

Fortunately for people who know to leave well enough alone, creator Robert Zemeckis has ruled out there being any more Back To The Future. In those exact words.

(Maybe someone should tell the people clamouring for more – including Christopher Lloyd himself – about Rick & Morty?)

Of course, one day further down the track, there could be the perfect creative team for a reboot. There’s certainly a timeline where it could go exactly right – and take the story to a brand new generation. Or in other words: