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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Opening Scene In Avengers: Endgame Actually Sets Up A Pivotal Time Heist Moment And You Missed It

Wondering just how many more secrets are still still hiding in Endgame...

Now that Avengers: Endgame is available to us in digital form, a bunch of secrets about the film have since been uncovered that you may have missed during your 12 trips to the cinema.

Well get ready for the unraveling of another neat little nugget as not only does this set up a funny yet important moment for the time heist, it takes place so innocently at the start of Endgame that you definitely would’ve missed it.

Remember the opening scene where Tony Stark and Nebula are stranded in space and they decide to pass the time by playing paper football?

It’s a pretty neat scene as it shows the developing friendship between the Tony and Nebula, as well as establishing that ol’ Tones is pretty average at flicking paper footballs compared to his cyborg buddy.

While this whole sequence seems pretty unassuming and doesn’t really add much to the plot, it turns out that the paper football game was super important for the time heist.

Redditor JSwanny pointed out how the opening paper football scene set up Tony’s flicking ability and the film paid off the gag during the pivotal time heist moment when he needed to successfully flick Ant-Man onto the briefcase containing the Tesseract.

“Flick me!”

Was this whole thing planned or was it pure coincidence? Well we have no idea as Endgame directors Anthony and Joe Russo have yet to comment on it but let’s assume that it was planned because if they found the time to do some dumb scene on Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop stuff, surely they must’ve had something in mind for the flicking scenes.

With more and more Endgame secrets being unearthed now that we can watch the film at our leisure, surely we’ve reached then bottom of the barrel when it comes to things like this.

But hey, this is Marvel and they usually end up surprising us all somehow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go rewatch the film once again and see if I’ve missed anything.