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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Kevin Feige Has A Very Simple Explanation For This Endgame Theory About Those Who Were Dusted

It makes a lot of sense.

When the Avengers went back in time to collect the Infinity Stones in Endgame and finally used them to bring back everyone who had been dusted at the end of Infinity War, some people weren’t brought back in the same way they disappeared.

Credit: Marvel

When Endgame was first released, Marvel boss Kevin Feige revealed that those who could have been brought back in dangerous ways were put in a safe place when Hulk used the stones.

Now, he’s elaborated on that further and it makes a lot of sense.

Speaking to Empire, Feige said, “If people were in an airplane when they were dusted, they didn’t return at 35,000 feet.

“They didn’t fall to their deaths because Smart Hulk is smart, and when he snapped… You can wish for whatever you want and you can wish for everyone to come back safely. Done.”

When Bruce Banner decided to merge with the Hulk after Infinity War he became both smart and strong, making him the perfect person to use the stones and survive the experience (though he did end up with a damaged arm).

Credit: Marvel

But just like in Aladdin when Genie says you need to be specific with your wording when making a wish, Feige explained that Smart Hulk made sure everyone who was dusted was put back on safe ground.

So, there you have it, no horrible deaths occurred during The Blip (the name given to the second snap), but we did, of course, lose Tony Stark when he completed the third snap to get rid of Thanos.

Of course, things were pretty weird for those who were brought back, which we see in Spider-Man: Far From Home when those who were dusted have to continue high school with people who were much younger than them.

At this stage, we’re not too sure about whether the Hulk will return to any of the new MCU films or TV shows, but surely that wasn’t the end of his story?