It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Is Brisbane About To Be Invaded By Crocodiles?

Look, we always knew this day would come.

Crocodiles, as well we know, are already the benevolent, toothy overlords of our nation’s northern climes. As well known herpetologist and crocspert Bob Katter memorably put it…

The day will come where we don’t embed that clip at every possible opportunity. That day is not today.

Anyway: there’s some good news for North Queensland in that Katter’s (admittedly entirely fictitious) statistic looks set to drop as waters heat up and crocs find it uncomfortable. On the minus side, it could mean that they’re heading south.

Queensland crocodile sightings have doubled in the last year and wildlife officers – who investigate such sightings – have confirmed that the big scaly you-eaters are on the roam. The southernmost sighting has been in Maryborough, so they’re a few hours north of Brisbane.

After all, the crocs already run Townsville so it’s entirely predictable that they’d eventually set their sights on a bigger target.

And it’s important to note that a) Queensland’s Department of Environment and Science claim there’s no evidence for a climate-change-fleeing migration, and b) that the increased sightings very possibly are more a testament to the cut-through of CrocWatch than the idea there’s a northern exodus afoot.

So Brisbane, you’re probably safe. Probably. For now.