It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The World’s A Dumpsterfire Judging By What Y’all Watching On YouTube


We’re almost at the end of the year, and YouTube has joined the party of yearly wraps by releasing their annual list of the most watched videos. 2019 was a weird year for everyone, and tbh nothing reflects that quite as much as this list.

In a classic ‘disappointed but not surprised’ moment, the most watched YouTuber of the year was PewDiePie. He’s a Swedish gaming vlogger whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, and he’s been caught up in so many racist scandals that I can’t even believe he’s still around. 

There was the many, many anti-semitic jokes, the time he screamed the n-word in a live stream, and only a couple of months ago he pledged $50,000 to an anti-hate group to make up for all the racist shit he’s done – only to withdraw it after his fans got mad at him.

Seriously, can we cancel PewDiePie already.

Sticking to the theme of hot messes, James Charles’s No More Lies dominated the list of trending videos all over the globe. It was the number 1 top-trending video for the USA, and hit the top 10 for most other countries. The 41 minute long explanation of what the hell was going on with James and Tati Westbrook. 

In all honesty, I’d never watched a video from either of them before, but even I got sucked into the drama. All of that over vitamin gummies, amazing.

The most watched music video globally was Daddy Yankee & Snow’s Con Calm, but in The USA you’ll be shocked – shocked I tell you! – to find out that the most watched music video was Lil Nas X with Old Town Road. Yee haw. 

I almost expected My Chemical Romance to crack the list after it was announced that they’d reunited  tbh.

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello got the most liked music video for Señorita, you know, the video where they really need us to know that they hook up a lot. Much like every single other one of their videos. And performances. And public appearances.

Basically this video list was proof that we’re all messy bitches and drama hounds, but I think we already knew that. Here’s to another year of bin fire content in 2020.

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