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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Teen Girls On TikTok Want You To Believe That Eating Used Tampons Is Perfectly Okay

It's called recycling.

If there’s one absolute rule in life, it’s never underestimate teen girls because they can and will wreck you. Case in point: some teens decided to start a disgustingly pointless, yet hilarious hoax on TikTok that eating used tampons is perfectly normal.

It all started when 18-year-old Caroline Majcher, posted a short video on TikTok saying how shocked she was that guys had no clue “girls eat their tampon after they’re done with it to reabsorb all the blood that they just lost.”

The clip was short, funny, kind of gross and ultimately quite harmless. It could’ve very well ended there had it not been for the combined might of TikTok, the internet and other teen girls willing to go along with the hoax.

Buzzfeed reports that after Caroline posted her video, TikTokers kept the joke going in the comments while other teen girls started posting their own “girls totally eat used tampons” clips.

Next thing you know, girls started posting up videos of their boyfriends reacting to the hoax, some of whom weren’t quite sure whether it is actually true or not.

As for why Caroline did this, it all started from an innocent place where she “thought [she] could probably make up a lie about girls and any boy would believe it.”

And you know what, good on her for doing it.

It’s a harmless TikTok prank that gave us many laughs by messing with the heads of many clueless guys out there. Here’s hoping it also taught some men out there about women’s health because there’s a surprising number of dudes who remain utterly clueless on the topic.

Oh and if you’re still wondering whether it’s okay or normal to eat a used tampon, no it most definitely isn’t. I’ve been told my by female colleagues that it is not healthy and definitely won’t replenish blood so please don’t do it.