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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Cannabis Gummies Are Supposedly Being Popped Like, Well, Candy, In Sydney’s Fanciest Restaurants, Because Why Not

It’s a tasty means of addressing everyone’s work stress – but also now the devil's candy has reached our shores! Won't somebody please think of the children?

Sydney’s latest food craze is edible cannabis candy, and they’re apparently quite prevalent amongst Sydney’s hospitality staff and their customers.

“A lot of the staff on the floor take them or know where to get them,” a staff member at “one of Sydney’s more exclusive restaurants” told

Come to think of it, considering the high stress and fast paced nature of hospo work, it’s no wonder that’s where these little sweets are being gorged on.

They look like gummy bear lollies or soft multivitamins – much less obvious than snorting coke off the table.

And at US$20-45 a box, they’re cheaper too – particularly with Australian rack recently confirmed as the world’s second most expensive.

It’s this handy, and quite cute really, appearance that is creating concern that maybe children will get their greedy little hands on them and catch the reefer madness.

Though these concerns are mostly within the United States where they are more prevalent (and in many states, legal, though some markets are cracking down on edibles that might appeal to kids) NSW Police are on the case.

A NSW Police spokeswoman said they are aware of a variety of cannabis edibles, but that “while we have not seen much of these ‘edibles’ in NSW, we continue to monitor trends in this space”.

This isn’t entirely unfounded. Earlier this year, a nine-year-old school student in Mexico unknowingly shared marijuana edibles with her classmates, thinking they were regular lollies. She had a few and became giggly and dizzy. The others only took one each. (Soft.) (Just kidding, and they’re all fine).

The edible gummies can have both THC or CBD in them. CBD is the mellowing component of a high and is said to ease stress, promote sleep, and reduce muscular inflammation and pain. THC what gives you the more stereotypical “stoner” effects, such as feeling lazy or couch-bound, and the infamous munchies.

Which would be super handy if you were taking them in, say, a restaurant.

So one day we might all be able to curb our social anxiety and get through the work day with a mild, legal high and maybe enjoy our sad desk lunches a bit more – but for now, these gummies are an illegal, not a dessert. And not for kids, mmkay?