It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Uh, Jessica Biel Is An Anti-Vaxxer And She’s Buddying Up With The Worst Of The Worst

Does this mean Justin Timberlake is also an anti-vaxxer? Oh god...

Look, anti-vaxxers are the absolute pits of the earth who eschew the safety of their own children and others for horrendous reasons that I’ll never understand. Those who come out as one immediately deserve to be cancelled and quarantined for everyone’s health and safety.

And folks, it pains me to announce this but here it goes: Jessica Biel is an anti-vaxxer.

That’s right, the star of gems like Stealth, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, and The Sinner is a totes against vaccines and is officially in the “cancelled” bin.

Yes, we’re shocked too.

This bombshell came out when the actress appeared in a series of photos with Robert F Kennedy Jr. (yes, he’s from that famous family) at the California State Assembly, where they were lobbying against a vaccination bill that would make it more difficult for families to be exempted from vaccinations without proper approval from a state public health officer.

Now to be completely fair, Biel isn’t an anti-vaxxer per se. She is, as Kennedy described to the Daily Beast, someone who is for “safe vaccines and for medical freedom”. Okay, he did say the phrase “safe vaccine” without any irony before undercutting everything by parroting the anti-vaxx rallying cry, “my body, by choice,” but nowhere did he say she was an anti-vaxxer.

Now Kennedy being an anti-vaxxer nutjob isn’t a big surprise as he’s been going around sprouting stupid claims about vaccines for years. But Biel? The famous person who is, umm, married to another famous person and been in a bunch of rather forgettable movies and TV shows (The Sinner being the exception)? That came out of left field. After all, famous people aren’t anti-va – oh wait, that’s not true.

Okay, but it’s not like Biel has given any indication that she’s an anti-va – oh wait, there were whispers (albeit unconfirmed ones) back in 2015 that she and Justin didn’t want to vaccinate their son. At the time of writing, she and her team have yet to issue out a statement about all this anti-vax stuff, though her campaigning with a well-reputed anti-vaxxer is probably a big enough statement as it is.

Well there you have it folks, Jessica Biel (and possibly Justin Timberlake) are against vaccines, though we shouldn’t be surprised that another celebrity is on that ridiculous bandwagon at this point.