It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Donald Trump Is Now Just Threatening War With Iran Like A Kid In School And He Bets His Daddy Could Beat Your Daddy Up!

If Trump's threat was written in crayon, it would literally be indistinguishable from a third-grader's class note.

After last week’s exquisite demonstration on how to embarrass yourself and your entire country on the world stage by kowtowing to Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump kicked off this week by returning to some well-trodden ground: showboating his pseudo-alpha male status.

It all began when Iranian president Hassan Rouhani cautioned Trump about his hostile policies against Iran, which was capped off with the subtle threat “America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars.“.

It’s not quite on the level of Liam Neeson, but in terms of threats on the world stage that was pretty good.

Not one to back down from a spat or anyone trying to upend his alpha maleness, Trump hit back at Rouhani with the fury and maturity expected of the President of the United States.

And by fury I meant he tweeted a threat of war to Iran, and by maturity I mean he decided to use ALL CAPS for nearly every word because nothing demonstrates your superiority than having every single letter in ALL CAPS.

Yep, that was definitely something that a self described “stable genius” would tweet out.

Even for someone like Trump, a guy in which levelheaded calm is like kryptonite to him (along with honesty and a salad), this is a new level of bonkers for him.

Seriously, if you wrote out Trump’s tweet on a piece of scrap paper in crayon, it would literally be indistinguishable from a third-grader’s note being passed around class.

To Trump’s credit, there were no spelling errors in his tweet to Rouhani so at least he won’t get detention this time around.

Iran’s president has yet to respond to Trump’s schoolyard threat, but it’s probably best keep these two hot-headed world leaders apart from now on, or we can expect some fisticuffs during recess time while all the other kids world leaders cheer them on.