It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Unique Bond Between This Passenger And Tarmac Worker Proves Making Friends Isn't That Hard

It’s as easy as scissors, paper, rock.

Making friends as an adult is damn hard work. 

In primary school it was as easy as trading your lunch time snacks or making up a secret handshake. The closest I’ve gotten to that since was making a friend after I told them I liked their backpack – true story.

Backpacks, bringing people together. Source: Giphy

Because making adult friends is so hard, new social situations can sometimes be daunting. Starting a new job is like hell except instead it’s not Satan that greets you, it’s a bunch of people you don’t know waiting to judge you slightly. 

They don’t even try to hide it. Source: Giphy

But what if it was as easy as it was in primary school? What if making friends was as simple as having fun? 

Or rather, as simple as scissors, paper, rock. 

Well, for one airline passenger, that’s exactly how simple it is. 

A twitter user who goes by the name Bri, shared a video of her boyfriend playing a game of Scissors, Paper, Rock with a tarmac worker out the window of their airplane. 

It’s hilarious and truly inspiring. Watch and learn: 

So, apparently, the answer to all of our adult anxieties about making new friends is a simple game. 

wHo KNEw pEoPLe LikeD hAvING fUn??? 


Or, maybe, we really are doomed to be alone forever and this dude^ is just part of the lucky few who find making friends really easy. 

I hate those kinds of people. 

How dare they. Source: Giphy