Category: Theresa May

People Don't Believe Theresa May's Tears, So When Is It Okay For A Politician To Cry?

Talk less, smile more, don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.

Brexit Is A Garbage Fire And Theresa May Is The Only Person Not Actively Throwing More Garbage On It

As always, a woman is left to clean up the mess.

What The Actual Hell Just Happened In England, And Why Are They Copying Us All Of A Sudden?

It's flattering, sure, but given everything that's going on it's weird they should have the time to suddenly try to topple their PM.

British PM Theresa May Accidentally Locks Herself In Her Car As A Perfect Metaphor For How Brexit And Her Leadership Is Going

Some days you just can't catch a break.

Brexit on Pause While The UK Government Copies Australia And Tears Itself Apart Instead

It's nice to see a nation that isn't us locked in pointless leadership battles over stupid policy for once.

UK PM Theresa May's Moves Suggest Dance Dance Brexitlution Is Not Destined To Be A Hit

The whole "Robo-May" thing is looking less like a cruel joke and more like a structural insight.