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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Office U.S. Review: I Know I'm Late To The Party But I Need To Tell You How Horrendous It Is

I've had enough.

Cult classic TV shows are at the core of millennial culture. We communicate through endless gifs and lines that were written by other people but when can we draw the line?

This is going to be the most controversial piece of my career, and I’m happy to die on this hill because I’m fully aware of how this will end. You’re all going to be fake-mad at me because I attacked your baby.

Newsflash, your baby is problematic but you’re blinded by your rose-coloured glasses, and convinced that she can do no wrong.

If you haven’t watched The Office, the core characters are Michael, Dwight, Jim, Pam, Stanley, Andy, Erin, Phyllis, Toby, Oscar, Darryl, Ryan, Kevin and Angela. Big cast but I only really vibed on like, three of them.

The on-again, off-again relationship with Dwight and Angela was not cute or endearing. Are we literally forgetting that Dwight murdered Angela’s favourite cat by putting it in the freezer. Sure, get married though.

Michael Scott was not a good boss. I don’t know how the numbers were shuffled so they still sold paper but that was a very counterproductive workplace and Michael was the cause of it all. Not to mention how horrifically inappropriate he was. Get off my back, I know it’s meant to be a part of the joke but it’s *Mick Jagger voice* NOT FUNNAY.

Toby, Phyllis, Oscar, Stanley, Kevin and Ryan literally sucked the life out of me and it was genuinely so exhausting to try and watch them communicate.

Andy and Erin were in one of the most unhealthy relationships I have maybe ever witnessed. It was truly painful to watch and Erin deserved a better storyline than she got.

Jim, Pam and Darryl are the only reason to watch this show, and even then, I don’t think it was fully worth the hype. I put off watching this for years and I fully think I could’ve just saved my soul and watched FRIENDS again.

Long live John Krasinski but for the love of John, this show was a flop and we need to stop pretending that it was good.