It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Iconic Fire Drill Scene From The Office Has Been Recut Into A Disturbingly Well Done Horror Scene

Consider us psychologically thrilled.

The Office blessed us with a lot of glorious scenes and memorable moments, but the stand-alone sequences that often feature in the intro are some of the best cinematic moments in TV history. Think ‘Dunder Mifflin Lip Dub‘, ‘Parkour‘, and, of course, ‘The Fire Drill’.

Dwight, in his capacity as fire marshal, tests his fellow employees’ fire safety skills by creating the thorough impression that the building is on fire. This scene is emblematic of the comedy genius of The Office. 

Dwight’s unhinged behaviour and Stanley’s consequential heart attack unsurprisingly allows this scene to translate all too well into the horror genre, as Twitter user Austin Spencer (@austinthefreak1) demonstrated.Spenser’s horror version of the fire drill scene quickly went viral on Twitter, with nearly 5 million views racked up at time of writing.

His re-editing of the scene takes away the jokes (#SaveBandit), and the music, replacing it with an ominous soundtrack and a sinister tone. The recut is so chilling it actually makes the moment when Stanley falls to the floor seriously harrowing. I teared up.

All in all, it’s pretty damn cool.

If you’re a diehard fan of The Office you might have noticed that yes, the opening shot is not from this episode, but actually taken from the episode where Michael burns his foot on a George Foreman grill (a classic).

Spencer acknowledged that he pulled the Dwight-typing-Dwight clip in for pacing purposes and as an allusion to the similar moment in iconic horror film, The Shining.

Now Austin Spenser is fielding a wave of requests to edit other iconic The Office scenes into similarly freaky recuts, and between the CPR scene and Michael (and Dwight) ‘surviving’ in the woods, there’s no shortage of suitable options.