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There's A Very Disturbing Thirst Arising From Disney's Live-Action Lion King

Oh internet, you've done it again.

The internet can be a very weird place filled with some odd things, most of which involve people thirsting over the strangest things like sexy female Bowser and the first pic of a black hole.

Well folks, Disney’s upcoming hyper-realistic remake of The Lion King has officially become the latest thirst trap for some areas of the internet and the reactions have been pretty disturbing to say the least.

After a bunch of character posters were released of the main characters, people were impressed at how realistic all the animals were. But for some folks, they weren’t too keen on the new Lion King because real-looking lions just ain’t as bone-worthy as cartoon lions.

Here we are debating over whether Pumbaa looks awesome or the stuff of nightmares (i.e like a real warthog) and there’s the internet furry community having some serious talks over whether the new Lion King gets their juices flowing or not.

While some horny folks aren’t exactly enamoured with the new Nat Geo-chic look that Simba and his cohort are rocking, others are a bit more open-minded about it and are willing to take the plunge, so to speak.

I don’t exactly have a dog in this race of whether hyper-realistic or cartoon Scar gets the loins stirring so I’m in no position to comment or really judge but it is fascinating to see something like this come up from time to time.

One thing’s for sure, we can probably expect this argument over whether the animated animals or the realistic CGI animals are more bone-worthy to only escalate over the next few months in the lead up to The Lion King‘s July 19 release date. The internet is truly a fascinating place.