It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Learn From The Bachelorette And Don't Give Someone An Ultimatum 10 Mins Into A Date

Whoa, buddy.

The Bachelorette is all about finding love, but let’s be honest – it’s a bloody weird way of going about it. Just look at the maths: one gal, 25 guys and weird, forced cocktail parties where everyone is supposed to ‘mingle’ and ‘get to know each other.’

Considering the already awkward circumstances, it’s no wonder contestant Mitch Gould’s chat with Angie went down like a lead balloon during last night’s episode.

The boys decided to call a truce at the cocktail party, allowing Angie to decide who she wanted to pull for a chat, instead of everyone cutting each other’s grass all night. That idea lasted for about 0.05 seconds when old tremble lip firefighter Jamie interrupted intruder Ryan to confess his undying love to Angie. 

It wasn’t long before Mitch found himself chatting to Angie, and trying to explain his ‘rolled ankle’ as the reason he didn’t attend the challenge earlier that day. 

Credit: Network Ten

Things got a little tense and then Mitch dropped a big ol’ stage five clinger bomb.“All I’m gonna say is, if you can’t see me being there at the end of this, I don’t want you to give me a rose tonight.”

Woh, buddy.

It’s safe to say, Mitch’s ultimatum didn’t go down well with Angie, who said what we’re all thinking. “Hang on. We’ve spent, like, 10 minutes together, and you’re asking me to make that type of decision? What the hell is going on?”

“You’re giving me an ultimatum but you haven’t given me the time to get to know you either. And I can’t have that,” she said.

Like a confident queen, Angie said because she’s well-versed in the single life and she’s comfortable in her own skin, “I need someone who really wants to be here for me.”

It was pretty clear that Mitch’s pressure cooker had reached dizzying temperatures and he was later booted from the mansion.

The Bachelorette is a strange, fabricated environment to try and make a connection with someone, but that doesn’t mean you have to guilt your love interest into choosing you. Perhaps this is a lesson learned for the other Bachie contestants: cool your jets and let the chips fall where they may.