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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

This Website Uses AI To Generate Incredibly Realistic Photos Of People Who Don't Exist

Not photos of dead people, but people who have never existed at all. Spooky.

Have you ever wanted to look at a never-ending number of photos of people who don’t exist? Really, you have? Well is here to make your weird dreams come true. Every time you hit refresh, the website will generate an incredibly realistic-looking photo of a person who doesn’t exist.

According to Motherboard, the website uses an implementation of machine learning, known as Generative Adversarial Networks, which means that the programs learn from a variety of different inputs, such as real human faces, so that it can create new examples.

While speaking to Motherboard, the site’s creator, Philip Wang, said:

“Most people do not understand how good AIs will be at synthesizing images in the future.”

That seems like a massive understatement – the average person barely understands all of the things AIs are capable of doing now, let alone twenty years into the future, by which time they’ll probably be running society.

If it’s any comfort, the AI-generated photos aren’t completely flawless – Futurism directed readers to examine the below photo for errors, specifically around her teeth.

I think… the teeth are slightly out of alignment? It’s an incredibly minor flaw, to be honest, but it’s good to know the robots haven’t nailed perfection just yet.

Futurism does describe other errors, though, including one photo where a woman’s face was covered in red streaks, and another where a man had a black hole swirling around in his neck, which sound metal as hell.


The closest thing to an error that I found was the unusual texture on the bottom half of this photo:

Anyway, if you’re bored this weekend, feel free to keep refreshing until you find something horrific, or, alternatively, until you find someone who looks eerily similar to someone you know.