It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

0:00 10:23

It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

A Robot Exploded On A Uni Campus And The Students Are Honouring Its AI-Memory

01010010 01001001 01010000, little friend.

Robots. As you know, they’re going to eventually be our overlords and crush we puny biologicals under their remorseless spiked robot-feet, but there are hopes to avoid this grim future by encouraging amity and detente.

And part of that is respecting their robo-sacrifice and honouring their legacy when they, for example, burst into flame after delivering food.


Yes, the University of California, Berkeley has delivery robots, which is something which we really need to start instituting in our local universities, and also everywhere GOAT are because WHY DO WE NOT HAVE DELIVERY ROBOTS RIGHT NOW?

Anyway: while trundling on its important work, a kiwibot suddenly and unexpectedly burst into flames. Which seems like a design flaw, unless the plan was for the food to be cooked en route.

And the students were justifiably devastated at the loss of their tiny delivery pal and held a candlelight vigil for them.

Of course, is flame the most appropriate way to mark the passing of a robot engulfed in its fiery embrace? That might seem a little gauche to our pitiless future masters.

In any case: rest well, Kiwibot. You’re delivering snacks to the angels now.