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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Here's How You Can Train For A New Job Without Giving Up Your Current Gig

Because in a perfect world, we can have both.

Working a 9-5 just to pay the bills can be a real drag when you’re trying to chase your dreams. The idea of leaving your paying job and going to study for your actual career is genuinely a terrifying thought, but what if you could be gearing up for your next step right now, and still rake in the coin?

Employment is fun | Spongebob Squarepants

So, you’re working from AM to PM and you really don’t feel like looking at another person, maybe ever; the idea of doing a part-time course, on-campus just sounds physically draining. But you can get the same qualifications as you would from an on-campus course by literally just focussing your attention to an online course.

Easy as pie | Parks and Recreation

Now, it may sound a bit daunting to commit to a course, but it’s really only got to slot into your routine. Instead of binging three eps of Black Mirror, watch two and swing 30 minutes of study. If you’re on the commute into your day job, pop out your laptop and finish your paper. You can do this!

Go get it | Younger

Providers like Swinburne Online let you enjoy the flexibility of studying when and where you want. They have a massive range of courses that can help you get your dream job or progress your career without compromising your day-to-day work hours.

Workin’ 9 to 5 | The Devil Wears Prada