It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Stranger Things' LGBT+ Representation Is The Breath Of Fresh Air Hollywood Needs

*Light spoilers for season 3*

Stranger Things 3 has dropped and without spoiling it, the show is back to it’s killer form after the less than stellar second season. But what caught us off guard was the perfectly nuanced and honest reveal of an LGBT+ character without it coming across as inappropriate or token.

As the season starts we’re introduced to Robin, Steve’s Scoops Ahoy colleague played by Maya Hawke. The duo become entangled into the plot
with her understanding of Russian coming in particular use and over time their chemistry develops.

In Episode Six, while tied up together, Robin reveals that she was “obsessed” with Steve during high school even though he doesn’t remember that she sat behind him. He was “Mister Funny, Mister Cool, The King of Hawkins High himself”, it’s a touching moment that makes us reflect on the relationship they’ve been developing.

As episode seven rolls around, Steve and Robin are on a comedown from drugs after an interrogation and Steve reveals that he’s developing feelings for Robin and reciprocating how she feels…or how he thought she felt…

Robin reveals that she wasn’t infatuated with Steve, rather one of the girls that was staring at Steve! Robin says “I wanted her to look at me, but… she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair”. Steve then responds saying that Tammy Thompson is a girl and the cogs begin to turn.

After a moment, Steve responds by taking the piss out of Tammy and they both discuss her singing abilities. There’s no big talk, Steve doesn’t ask why… as soon as he gets it, he gets it. And so does the audience.

It wasn’t on Robin to have to explain it, but rather on us for presuming based on our own preconceived ideas and you know what?

This is the type of representation we need in Hollywood.