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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Oscar Isaac Says 'People Are Afraid' Of Poe And Finn Being Star Wars Lovers

The Stormpilot ship has sprung a few leaks.
A great disturbance in the Force.

It goes without saying that the Sequel trilogy of Star Wars films has stirred up a heap of discussion, some of it valid and some of it ridiculous. But the one thing nearly everyone is onboard with is the undeniable chemistry between Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron and John Boyega’s Finn, so much so that people just want Poe to say “I know” to Finn’s “I love you” before kissing each other.

Find someone who looks at you the way Poe looks at Finn.

But for those Star Wars fans hoping for the long-awaited romantic coupling of Poe and Finn in Rise of Skywalker, Oscar Isaac has some bad news for you.

Chatting with Variety at a junket for Rise of Skywalker, Isaac expressed “regret” over not being able to explore the “natural chemistry” between Poe and Finn, saying that “people were too afraid” to see the pair become something more:

“Personally, I kind of hoped and wished that maybe that would’ve been taken further in the other films, but I don’t have control.

“It seemed like a natural progression, but sadly enough it’s a time when people are too afraid, I think, of… I don’t know what.”

It’s not that hard to deduce what Oscar Isaac meant by “people” in this context and it’s disappointing the powers-that-be quashed what could’ve been a big step forward in the Star Wars universe by introducing the first LGBTQIA+ onscreen couple.

It certainly would’ve been better than that “exclusively gay moment” fiasco we got in Beauty and the Beast that’s for sure.

But onto happier Star Wars-related news…

As for what John Boyega thinks about this whole Poe/Finn ship, he also hinted at the connection between the duo, though on less certain terms compared to Isaac:

“It is a deep bond that these two have, not just because of the trial by fire in which they met, but also because of their willingness to be as intimate as they are, as afraid as they are, as unsure as they are, and still be bold, and still be daring and brave.”

Going by his Instagram posts though, it seems like Boyega is fully onboard with Poe and Finn being Star Wars boyfriends, even if he and Oscar Isaac didn’t exactly get to properly explore it in Rise of Skywalker.

For what it’s worth, J.J. Abrams says Poe and FInn’s relationship is “deeper” than a romantic one before dropping a major LGBTQIA+ representation tease in Rise of Skywalker:

“In the case of the LGBTQ community, it was important to me that people who go to see this movie feel that they’re being represented in the film.”

When asked for more juicy deets, Abrams stayed true to form and kept his cards close to his chest, replying “I will say I’m giving away nothing about what happens in the movie. But I did just say what I just said.”

Fine, be that way, J.J.

We’ll find out soon enough what he means by that when Rise of Skywalker drops. As for Poe and Finn, well it sounds like we’re going to have to make do with what we’re going to get though that isn’t going to stop Star Wars fans from energetically shipping those two, as they absolutely should.

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