It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Mark Hamill Pays A Loving Tribute To Carrie Fisher That’s So Heartwarming We'll Be Having Princess Leia Feels For The Next Year And A Half

She will appear in the upcoming Star Wars Episode IX in the form of archival footage shot during The Force Awakens.

The world was dealt with a cruel blow when Carrie Fisher died in 2016, robbing us of one of cinema’s most memorable talents.

As the Star Wars train continues to chug along with the announcement of the cast for Episode IX, we were all surprised to find out that Princess Leia will be in the movie.

Now before everyone gets out their pitchforks, Leia won’t be recreated using cutting edge (but still weird looking) CGI or be recast with another actress, so there won’t be another Rogue One situation on our hands.

Fisher will instead appear in Episode IX in the form of unseen footage originally shot for The Force Awakens. Never mind the revelation that there’s Episode VII footage of Leia we haven’t seen yet, this at least gives us one last chance to say goodbye to our favourite princess.

With Episode IX about to kick off production soon, Mark Hamill took some time out to pay tribute to his onscreen sister. Having been on this crazy space journey since day one, this will sadly be the first Star Wars movie in which Hamill will be on set without Fisher, a thought that just brings tears to my eyes.

Hamill is of course a much classier individual than I and managed to twist that sad realisation into a loving tweet about his co-star and close friend.

Welp, that just sent me into a Leia spiral that’s going to last for the next year and a half.

But in the wise words of Luke Skywalker himself, “no one ‘s ever really gone”, so I’m going to turn those tears into excitement over seeing Carrie Fisher on the big screen one last time.