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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

The Only Problem With Mel B Confessing She Slept With Another Spice Girl Back In The Day

Spicy stuff.

With The Spice Girls finally regrouping for their upcoming reunion tour (except for Victoria Beckham), it’s vital that the relationships between the band members are maintained. So Mel B announcing some deeply personal information about a fellow Spice Girl without her permission definitely falls into high-risk territory.

Mel B, AKA Scary Spice, was filming an interview for Piers Morgan’s Life Stories series when she let slip that she and Geri Horner had sex once back in the day.

“We were best friends. It just happened. She (Geri) is going to hate me for this because she is all posh in her country house and her husband, but it’s a fact. It just happened and we just giggled at it and that was it,” She told Morgan, before insisting that it was a one time event.

There is of course nothing wrong or shameful or particularly scandalous about two adult women having consensual sex. If Geri Horner’s husband has a problem with it, then that’s his own prejudice that he needs to deal with.

The thing that makes Mel B’s announcement questionable is the fact that Geri did not consent to that intimate information being shared with the world.

Mel B has previously come out as bisexual, and that was a choice she got to make and handle herself. She also makes it clear during the interview that she’s aware Geri probably won’t be happy that their private business has been spilled.

“Yeah and I have said it now.” Mel B said. “All done. She is going to kill me and so is her husband.”

“Hopefully when Geri gets asked that, which hopefully she will after this, she won’t deny it, because it was just a thing, a fun thing.” she added.

The general sentiment is that Mel B wants Geri Horner to open up and admit that the two once hooked up, even if that’s not something that Geri is comfortable with. While there is no shame in sexual fluidity of any kind, everybody should have the right to privacy if they want it.

At the end of the day, Mel B shouldn’t have outed Geri unless that was something they agreed to do together.