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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

If You Want More Wholesome Han Solo And Chewbacca Interactions, Check Out This Deleted Solo: A Star Wars Story Scene Of The Duo Getting Into A Snowball Fight

I would honestly watch whole movie of nothing but Han and Chewie getting up to dumb shenanigans.

Solo: A Star Wars Story came and went with a bit of a whimper rather than the all-conquering bang that Disney were hoping for.

Regardless of whether you liked it or not (it was a pointless but fun romp for what it’s worth), the fact is that it underwhelmed at the box office and the ballooning of its already-massive $250 million budget by hiring Ron Howard to replace original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller and basically redo the whole project certainly didn’t help the movie’s bottom line.

With plenty of filmed goodies to stuff into Solo‘s Blu-ray release, Disney has decided to give us a sneak peek on what was left on the cutting room floor by releasing a deleted scene of Han Solo and Chewbacca getting into an impromptu snowball fight when on that snow planet in the middle of the movie.

There’s really no point to the scene. It is completely dumb,  pointless, and it doesn’t advance the plot forward in anyway. Yet, it is oodles of fun, stacked full of personality, and watching Han and Chewie get up to no good was just wholesome.

Honestly, they can release a two-hour movie of just Han and Chewie getting up to no good and I would watch that in a heartbeat. On a side note, Han is definitely a dirty snowball fighter judging by that final cheeky snowball.

But perhaps the most interesting fact about this deleted snowball fight was that it was actually directed by Lord and Miller. Aside from wanting to remove all traces of the duo’s work, the scene’s charming playfulness was probably way too much for the shades of bland grey anti-hero that the producers wanted in the final product anyway.

That’s a shame because the snowball fight gives us a tantalising look into Lord and Miller’s vision for Solo, and it looks like their version would’ve been super-fun and way more lighthearted than the run-of-the-mill tone Howard brought to the project.

Whether or not it would’ve ultimately resulted in a better movie we’ll never know, but it certainly would’ve been more charming. Fingers crossed that the ship is righted in time before the studio gets cracking on that Boba Fett solo film everyone wants.