It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

Your Relationship Status Does Not Define You, Leave It Off Your Bio Already

Also, it’s just annoying.

Social media is great for lots of things. Tagging your friends in memes and posting life highlights being two of the main ones.

I totally understand posting a picture of the new puppy you got (I am ALL FOR dog photos) or you and your partner on a night out or a shameless selfie. Hell, I’ll even hit ‘like’ on a photo of your lunch if it’s aesthetically pleasing enough.

But one thing I will never understand is the need to post your partners name in your social bio. You know exactly what I’m referring to. The stupid ‘name’/‘initials’ followed by a love heart and mainly found on Instagram accounts.

It especially irks me when I see it on the profile of a fully grown, successful, independent adult. We’re not in primary school and we’re way past the days when updating your Facebook relationship status was cool, so what is the thought process behind adding your partners initials into your bio?

Is it because you’re stuck in 2010? Or is it because you see other people doing it and want to do the same? It fascinates and infuriates me.

I will not judge you if:

You include initials in your bio to repel unwanted attention. I know some people, especially social media influencers and women, do this to try and stop followers from pursuing them.

No one likes an unsolicited dick pic.

No thank you.

I’l also forgive you if it’s a joke. I have a friend whose couple name works out to ‘B.J’ and embraces the innuendo.

We’re all mature adults here.


If you’re a twelvie you’re also off the hook. You don’t know any better, I understand.

If you do not fit into one of the above three categories then, I’m sorry, I will hate you a little bit for including those initials in your bio.

Don’t get me wrong, I love love. I respect your love for your partner. I love my partner very much. I just don’t see the need to advertise it to the world with some emojis in my bio.

Especially because my bio is visible to anyone and everyone who views my profile, no matter if it’s on private or public. I’m not hiding my relationship, but I also don’t feel like it’s a necessary piece of information for people to decide to follow me.

I also don’t feel like it’s a necessary piece of information for people to judge me off. I am not defined by my relationship. Therefore, my partner’s initials do not need to go in my bio.


Having said all this, I still respect individual choice. If you like including your relationship status in your Instagram bio, then that’s your prerogative.

But maybe also think about the things that really define you- the things that you really love and want people to know. Your entire personality can not and should not be summed up by a couple of letters and some emojis.