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Your Primary School Spelling Ability May Actually Help Your Bedroom Skills

Netflix and spell.

Spelling tests are a staple part of every kid’s primary school education. After all, it’s important to know the difference between there, they’re, and their.

While most folk place less emphasis on spelling as they get older, here’s a reason why you may want to brush up on your wordsmithing skills from yesteryear: it’ll take your bedroom skills to the next level.

Well, sorta.

Onomatopoeia – O, N, O… ooooo…

There’s a viral sex tip that making the rounds online that involves spelling and coconuts. Bear with me here, it gets good.

The gist is this: when you’re on top of your partner, spell the word “coconut” with your hips. Geddit? Yup, you know what’s going on here.

The origins of this peculiar spelling sex tip is not known but it has popped up on Twitter in early 2019 courtesy of someone who presumably likes spelling bees, coconuts, and sex (not in that order).

The tip then went viral thanks to the Kilimani Mums Udaku Zone KMUZ Facebook group because a woman asked the group “how riding on top works” and everyone advised her to spell coconut with her hips.

That’s not how you spell “coconut”.

Unsurprisingly, the internet had a field day with this “spell coconut with your hips” tip and boy were there some great – and thirsty – gems on Twitter.

Now spelling coconuts with your hips is impressive but some folks (rightfully) wanted to push their skills a bit further with some more difficult words.

Hey, one person’s “coconut” may be another’s “onomatopoeia”, not to mention that a bigger spelling vocabulary is probably going to lead to better sexy times.

As for whether this tip actually works, apparently spelling “coconut” with your hips does indeed have a noticeable difference for some. Who would’ve thought coconuts and your primary school spelling ability would lead to better splooshes?

So if you’re going to test this tip out, better dust off that thesaurus and stretch those hips beforehand since it sounds like it’s going to be quite the mental and physical workout.