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It’s been a big day for… Listening to...

‘Round The Twist’ Is Still The Most Cooked Show In Australian TV History

Have you ever felt like this?

Disclaimer: GOAT and its employees take no responsibility for the Round The Twist theme song getting stuck in your head after reading this article. It’s not our fault it’s so damn catchy. Round The Twist is one of the most iconic shows the 1990s pumped into your underage brain. Scratch that, it IS the most iconic show (sorry, Play School). There’s been nothing like it on TV since that fateful day in 2001 when its last episode aired. And probably for good reason. Because Round The Twist was seriously cooked. The basic premise of the series sounds normal enough. Three (I’m gonna say it) bogan Aussie children and their widowed father live in a lighthouse in a fictional coastal town. In said town there are other bogans who do not like the Twist family and try a bunch of different things to kick them out of their lighthouse home. Like I said, it sounds normal enough. Except the lighthouse is haunted/magic/spooky/seriously f**ked up which makes for some haunted/magic/spooky/seriously f**ked up television. There was the Season Three episode called ‘The Ice Cream Man Cometh’ in which an ice cream machine became a person and created ice cream by eating things and ejecting it all from his nose. It sounds gross. It looks terrifying. But that’s not even the scariest part. Linda, one of the three Twist children, fell in love with him and stayed in love with him even after he turned back into an ice cream machine. So yeah, just your totally average teenage love story. And then there was the Season One episode ‘The Cabbage Patch Fib’ which featured a green baby which just chilled in a cabbage patch with its whole cabbage patch family. And no one batted an eyelid. ???????????? And who could forget this human-bird hybrid monster thing from Season Four? The giant human-sized bird with human eyes followed Bronson around and wouldn’t stop singing. It sounds exactly like one of my nightmares (probably because it actually ended up being one of my nightmares). Somehow, everyone on the show thought the bird was super cool instead of freaking terrifying – but I’ve never looked at birds or people or life the same way since. Round The Twist also ruined how I look at almost every human body part and bodily fluid. There was this: And this: And the Season Three episode, ‘Whirling Derfish’, where Bronson got a fish stuck up his peen which helped him win the school swimming contest. And of course, the famous (read: traumatising) pregnancy episode ‘The Big Burp’, Season 3. You know, the one where Pete pees on a tree and gets pregnant. And goes into labour. And gives birth. Through his nose. Yeah. That one. I have no idea how Round The Twist got commissioned, let alone how it aired a total of 52 episodes. That’s a whole lot of crazy. But let’s be real, as wacky as it was, it was also pretty bloody great. Don’t ask me why, there is no logic here. I was terrified, but I always went back for more. There was nothing like singing along as the credits opened on ABC and wondering what weirdness I was about to witness. If you’re a sucker for reliving a bit of childhood trauma then you’re in luck… because every single episode of Round The Twist is available to watch on YouTube. You’re welcome.